The Power of Follow-up

When you are prospecting a new client, responding to interest and networking, taking the time to follow up and touch base with the other party can often be the deciding factor in securing business or missing it entirely.

Many have the misconception that “following up” makes you pushy or annoying; this is not the case if you are proposing to help solve a problem for the client. Also, keep in mind that they have expressed interest in what you’re offering. In fact, it’s a vital part of the sales process.

When you follow up, you are telling the prospect that:

  • You are thinking about them
  • Their work and their needs are important to you
  • You are persistent and dedicated
  • You are ready to work with them and take on their challenges
  • Their project is a priority for you
  • You are consistent and reliable

Following up is a good way to remind the client that you are there and personable. It also is your final pitch to encourage their business or that meeting you want.

There are a lot of ways you can follow up with potential clients, and you don’t always have to use the same method.

Send Them What They Need
The most obvious way to follow up with a potential client is by getting back in touch with them to provide information they have inquired or requested. If they asked for references, a portfolio, or a formal proposal when you spoke… send it to them. Time is of the essence.

Say Thanks
You can never go wrong by thanking the other party for their time. By sending a thank you email after your initial meeting, you can also provide “minutes” of your meeting, outline the next steps, and schedule a time to have another meeting.

Ask for More Information
After your meeting, take time to review the call and develop a list of questions for the client about the project, the timeline and their specific needs. This can be a part of your thank you message, or sent separately as another method of outreach.

Make a Personal Call
After a few days go by, consider calling the client directly to see if they have questions or would like you to provide additional information. You should also keep the personal call option in your follow-up inbox in cases where you and the client are having a lot of dialogue via e-mail. Show that you care and that you value their understanding in your services.

Send Something Unrelated
If you come across an article or blog post about something that is relevant to your client, send it along. Even if it does not directly support you or why they should hire you, it will show them you understand their business. This can be invaluable for a potential client to see.

How do you follow up with potential clients? What method works best for you?