Keeping your Social Media Fresh

The last thing you want is your social media looking like a ghost town. Keep the content fresh and be as responsive as possible. In the world of Soci...

Website SEO for Rural Healthcare

Let’s face it, most people in your area don’t have a good idea of what healthcare services are being offered in the local community. Having a good understanding of Google goes a long way toward one of your ma...

Changing marketing strategies for changing times

2020 has brought unprecedented changes to rural healthcare, your marketing strategy needs to keep pace. So much has changed, your marketing st...

Responding on social media: keys to success

Rural Hospitals face special challenges on social media, learning how to interact with patients in public is essential. You likely know the enormous b...

Five reasons to update your website

Your website is pretty much the first impression most patients will have of your hospital. A good marketing strategy requires many different component...