Four Tips for Using Videos On Your Website

Having information that is easily accessible for users on your website is a great achievement, but we all know users sometimes don’t take the extra effort to search around. Reinforcing your website with video will add that important engagement web browsers love!

Videos stand out and can grab the attention of visitors. It can also be a unique to entertain and draw in new traffic.

While many of your clients or customers may have never been to your office or met your team, videos can help create that personal connection. Most importantly, videos can direct users to other places on your website.

If you’re thinking about adding video content to your website, consider the following four tips to keep in mind while you navigate that journey.

Grab attention
Videos should be content driven. There’s nothing worse than grabbing a user’s attention and then loosing it with a poorly executed video. People aren’t likely to sit and watch if the content isn’t relevant and important.

Videos offer a more persuasive outlet than a lot of other media, and you need great content to make the information stick. Placing videos in key places such as the home and about pages will give you the chance to catch their attention.

Find Content
Finding good content for your videos is easier than you might think.

For example, you might consider doing a profile on team members or an entire department. If you have a new product or service, feature them individually. Perhaps you establish your expertise by providing tips that are relevant to your industry and useful for your target audience.

If your organization has events frequently, then you have an excellent platform to educate your stakeholders on the details, what they can expect, and how they can contribute (if, for example, it’s a fundraiser).

Keep adding videos
Try not to let your videos get too stale. If your audience has seen the same video posted for a long period of time, change it up!

It’s one thing to have a more generic welcoming video, but it’s another to see it for months on end if visitors frequent your website. Consider changing your videos on a regular schedule that makes sense to your business.

Show your brand
Short videos are another extension of your brand, so make sure your audience knows it. Having a quick introduction with your logo and description of the video will make it clear to the audience who produced the video.

A great way to extend your brand’s reach is by creating a YouTube channel or Vimeo account. This way, you can keep all your videos on one place for users to see after they’re no longer posted on your website.

Take a look at your website and think about how you can leverage video to connect with your target audience. There’s always an opportunity, we just need to take the extra step to discover our audience and meet their needs.

If you would like to learn more about how your business can leverage videos on the Web, we can certainly help with planning and production.